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Located in Cleveland, Ohio USA, Commercial Electric Products has been distributing high quality products and services for over seven decades. We take great pride in being easy to do business with, and we delight our customers by keeping our people and our products at the front edge of technology.

We offer custom inventory management and stocking programs, kitting, and special packaging & labeling. Also provided are a vast array of value added assembly services to assist our customers and to add additional value as a core vendor. Our customer’s success is the key to our success and we look forward to building long term partnerships, while offering competitively priced high quality products and on time delivery.

We are committed to supplying solutions to our customers while providing product application assistance and top notch customer service; before, during and after the sale! We will help you achieve your company goals and will work hard to contribute to your success. Give us a call today at 216-241-2886!